Child custody comes in different categories
Child custody has several different components to it that it helps divorcing parents to understand. Once they know the different types of child custody and child custody arrangements, they can better navigate negotiating their own child custody agreement.
What are the different types of child custody in New Jersey?
There are two main categories of child custody: physical custody and legal custody. Each has important implications, and parents must determine a way to share these parental duties while protecting their rights.
Physical custody refers to a parent’s right to live with their child. Part of physical custody also includes visitation and parenting time.
Legal custody refers to a parent’s right to makes important decisions for the child such as those regarding their medical care, religious training and education.
Sole and shared custody
Because child custody, both physical and legal, can be arranged as a sole custody agreement or a joint custody agreement, there are different combinations child custody can take. Parents may share both joint legal and physical custody of the child. This means the parents will have to consult each other prior to making major decisions for the child and that the child will likely live equally with he two parents.
If one parent has sole legal custody of the child, on the other hand, that parent will be able to make major decisions for the child without needing the input of the other parent. If one parent has sole physical custody of the child, then one parent will be considered the custodial parent and it is likely the other parent will have visitation rights with the child.
It is important to keep in mind with any of these combinations, whatever child custody arrangement is worked out will need to be in the best interests of the child. Determining that is based on a number of different factors and an analysis of which living situation is best for the child which is the goal of child custody.
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