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What Happens if Someone Breaks a Custody Agreement?

When parents divorce, the judge puts a custody agreement in place to ensure both parents get a fair amount of time with their children. The agreement details the custody schedule, pickup and dropoff times, and any restrictions or stipulations. It is expected that both parents will follow the custody agreement...

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What is a High-Conflict Divorce?

While some divorces can be amicable, most have some degree of drama. That is just par for the course when you are ending a relationship and splitting all your assets. However, some cases have much more conflict than others. The parties may not be able to agree on anything at...

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Does the Number of Children Affect Child Support Payments?

If you are divorcing in New Jersey and have children, you should understand how child support works. Not everyone pays the same amount. Child support is based on several factors, including the income of both parents, the custody arrangement, state laws and formulas, and the child’s needs. In addition, the...

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What is Sole Custody?

In a divorce or separation where children are involved, there will need to be decisions made on child custody. Who does the child live with? Who makes major decisions for the child? In most cases, the judge will order joint custody. This means the parents share physical and legal custody....

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What if I Was Ordered to Pay Too Much Alimony?

A divorce can be devastating in many ways. You could lose half of your money and assets. You may have to pay a lot of money in child support. You may have to sell the marital home and look for a new place to live. Another thing you need to...

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What if I Cannot Afford to Pay Child Support?

In a divorce involving minor children, the court will typically order the noncustodial parent to pay child support to the custodial parent. This is because the law states that all parents should provide financially for their children. However, despite court orders, child support is not often paid on time. In...

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What are Complications With Residency in a Military Divorce?

Divorce is complicated enough. If one or both spouses are in the military, that can complicate matters even further. That is because servicemembers are often based somehow temporarily as they fight a war. There are also terms such as “state of legal residence” and “home of record” that come into...

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What are Fault Grounds in Divorce?

When a couple decides to end their marriage, they can choose from either a fault or no-fault divorce. Most people choose a no-fault divorce because it is easier. A fault divorce is often harder and more expensive. With a no-fault divorce, there is no need to blame the other spouse,...

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Can You Appeal a Custody Decision in NJ?

Family law issues such as child custody can be contentious. One issue that parents often argue over in a divorce is child custody. The courts decide child custody with the best interests of the child in mind. While rare, judges do abuse their power and make mistakes in their decisions....

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What Should You Do if You Do Not Want to Be Divorced?

Marriage is hard. You may be trying your hardest to keep your relationship intact, but your spouse just is not into it anymore. They may have given up and decided to file for divorce. You are devastated. You do not want a divorce. You want to stay together. What can...

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Grandparents’ Rights in NJ Custody Cases

As a grandparent, you may have a deep bond with your grandchild and wonder if the law supports your right to maintain that connection. In New Jersey, the law does provide avenues for grandparents to seek visitation rights, but there are specific legal requirements and considerations to keep in mind....

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What are marital assets?

When a marriage comes to an end, the division of property can take center stage – but you can’t really talk about what there is to divide or how to do it until you fully understand what is (and isn’t) a marital asset. The longer you’ve been married, the harder...

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How long does alimony last?

Alimony is a type of financial support that is sometimes ordered by the court during a divorce and sometimes agreed upon by spouses who are negotiating a property division settlement. For example, perhaps one spouse is a CEO who makes millions of dollars a year. The other spouse is a...

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Beware of spending on joint credit cards during divorce

When spouses have joint credit card accounts and bank accounts, what they purchase is not private. Their spouse can check the statements and see exactly what they purchased, when they did so, where they were and how much they spent. This information is recorded with each credit or debit card...

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Can I protect my inheritance in divorce?

Money troubles are at the heart of a lot of divorces, but sometimes it’s not the absence of money that causes conflict. A large influx of wealth can also be the source of disputes, especially if a couple has vastly different financial habits and goals. Put a “saver” and a...

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Why hiding assets during divorce is not a good idea

Those who are preparing for divorce in New Jersey often worry about their finances after filing. People know they will need to share property and that their living situation and financial accounts may abruptly change. One common tactic to better ensure financial solvency after an initial separation involves starting a...

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How social media posting can hurt your divorce

Once a divorce gets started, most people just want to get through the process as quickly, easily and peacefully as possible. If you feel like any of those goals resonate with you, then do yourself a favor: Stay off social media. If you’re unwilling to avoid social media entirely (and...

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Considering Divorce? Be careful what you text on a shared plan

Nowadays, mobile phones are an important resource in re: how people connect with their communities. Devices let someone text their family members or make a call to a client or employer. When someone goes through a difficult time, they will likely rely on their phone to help them tap into...

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How are retirement accounts affected in divorce?

One of the first questions people have when they start thinking about divorce is how the end of their marriage will affect their finances. Most people have heard horror stories about people losing so much property that their standard of living drastically shifts, and such tales might deter people in...

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Top 3 ways house is divided during the split

Fair doesn’t always mean equal. When a divorce happens in New Jersey, the equitable distribution rules mean that a couple’s assets and debts are supposed to be divided in a way that’s fair, which may or may not mean 50/50. Couples can usually decide how to divide a lot of...

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Who gets custody in New Jersey?

Your children are probably the most important people in your life. Becoming a parent changes you, and your children will influence every decision you make. In fact, your children could very well be why you haven’t yet decided to file for divorce. Many New Jersey residents have heard horror stories...

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How do divorcing business owners split the family business?

Family businesses are incredibly common, but they can come with some interesting complexities. For example, maybe two people decided to get married, and then they later started a business together. Now they’ve decided that they’re going to get divorced. If they weren’t joint business owners, this would just be a...

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When can child support be modified in New Jersey?

Children can be caught in the middle of a New Jersey family law case. Often, this happens while it is in progress as part of a divorce and there is a dispute over child custody, parenting time and child support. However, even after the divorce is finalized, there can still...

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How long does child support last in New Jersey?

Providing support to a child is an important parental responsibility after divorce or the end of a relationship. New Jersey law sets forth the length that this support must continue and when it can end. Emancipation In general, child support ends in New Jersey when the child becomes emancipated, or...

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How alimony works in New Jersey

Alimony, sometimes referred to as spousal maintenance or spousal support, is an important form of financial protection during and after divorce. Alimony allows someone who has been dependent on their spouse to begin living independently again at the end of the marriage. It is common for one spouse to sacrifice...

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2 ways that same-sex marriage creates unique divorce concerns

Same-sex couples in New Jersey have the right to get married, and that means that they may eventually also need to file for divorce. Unfortunately, given that same-sex marriages are relatively new, same-sex divorces can be a bit more challenging to complete than standard heterosexual divorces. Although many areas of...

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Child custody comes in different categories

Child custody has several different components to it that it helps divorcing parents to understand. Once they know the different types of child custody and child custody arrangements, they can better navigate negotiating their own child custody agreement. What are the different types of child custody in New Jersey? There...

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How does asset division work in New Jersey divorce?

Although it can be an emotional process, divorce is also a major financial transaction. If handled improperly, you could be left without the financial stability that you need and deserve post-marriage dissolution. If you want to avoid that outcome, then you should educate yourself on the law so that you...

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How much alimony will I have to pay?

Property division is a key concern for many divorcing couples. While this includes bank and retirement accounts, real estate, and pieces of personal property, it can also include alimony. But if you’re confronting an alimony fight, then you probably have two questions on your mind: how long is alimony going...

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How will I pay for my divorce?

There are many issues to address in divorce from child support and child custody to division of assets and alimony. But divorce also comes with expenses such as legal fees. Depending on the circumstances, courts may order your estranged spouse to pay for your legal fees. Courts may order spouse...

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